Monday, March 19, 2007

TechnoMax "Design A Game Console" Contest

If you haven't submitted your entry yet to the "Design A Game Console" contest over in Oli Pettigrew's turf TechnoMax, I suggest you do so now.

Tomy Corporation and D3Publisher of America have confirmed the upcoming release of Naruto: Clash of Ninja (Tentative title) for the Nintendo Wii system this Fall 2007.

If you're a frustrated a ninja, the game will give you the opportunity to step into Naruto and co.'s shoes and duke it out with evil assassins and warlords. This is the perfect chance for you to practice that Kagebunshin technique and go forth and multiply like tiny blond haired, orange clad gremlins.

Of course, you can't play the game without a Nintendo Wii. So JOIN THE TECHNOMAX CONTEST NOW!!!

More details @

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